Your Post-Sale Follow Up, Sorted

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Your Post-Sale Follow Up, Sorted


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Give yourself a pat on the back! You’ve closed a deal, but the job is far from finished! While you have unlocked a new client, you have also entered a vulnerable period. Just because a client has signed a contract doesn’t mean they’re a ‘loyal’ customer yet. Immediately post-sale, clients want reassurance that they’ve made the right decision – they will be on high alert to gain the satisfaction consumers look for directly after making a big purchase decision. The connection you build with them in this time is therefore vital!

Why is the post-sale follow up so important?

A key fact often overlooked by businesses when it comes to sales and marketing is that winning new customers bears a much greater cost than retaining existing customers. In fact, acquiring new customers can cost seven times more than retaining current ones. According to Frederick Reichheld, the founder of Net Promoter Score, a mere 5% increase in customer retention leads to more than 25% increase in profit. The reason being that customers tend to progressively buy more from a company they are loyal to, which results in diminishing operating costs to serve them. In addition, loyal customers will almost always be willing to pay more with a company they know and trust. This is due to the high perceived risk associated with switching. Lastly, returning customers recommend your company to others.

Here’s 4 tips to get your post-sale follow up sorted!

#1. Make yourself availableLet them know you’re in it for the long run, and you’ll be there to hold their hand throughout the entire process. Give them your contact details, and someone to contact if they have any questions or concerns. One of the features RaveBuild offers is setting reminders to meet, call, or email certain customers at specific times. This means you’ll never forget to make this crucial post-sale communication.#2. Be personalIn the midst of the digital era, automating contact points can seem like the most simple and efficient option. While this may be true, making a personal connection is what will earn respect and build trust. An automated ‘Purchase Confirmation’ email may be okay for a customer who has bought a $30 shirt online, but for a customer making a highly involved purchase decision, such as hiring a building company, the need for assurance that they’re dealing with humans and not robots is much greater. When you add a client in your RaveBuild account, you can add significant details about them you may have picked up on. These types of details, like having a dog, or that they love cycling, can then be used to connect with them on a more personalised level.#3. Keep them in the loopIt’s not surprising that selling a service requires you to give your customer more attention than if they were buying a one-off product. Furthermore, a customer investing a lot of money to build their dream home, potentially the biggest purchase they’ll make in their life, will be needier than the regular consumer. This is especially true for a service involving so many variables and possibilities that things won’t go exactly according to plan. The RaveBuild app gives you the option to create your own company branded portal for clients. They can login on any device to see important updates, site photos, and budget spend at their convenience. Ultimately clients are kept involved throughout their build journey which brings peace of mind while minimising the need for unnecessary phone calls.#4. Improve your performanceUse existing clients’ feedback as a reference point to refine your value proposition and areas of focus moving forward. Your clients’ needs and concerns translate to invaluable knowledge that can be capitalised on. When you ask your clients how they heard about your company, you can record their answers in the RaveBuild customer account page. Use this information to gauge what marketing mediums are the most effective and focus your budget spend accordingly.

Keep in mind!!

In the construction industry, word of mouth is your biggest weapon. A customer who is signing a building contract is making a huge commitment. They are well aware of this before making their final purchase decision, so you can be sure they’ve done their research and asked their friends, family, and colleagues for advice. The opinion of an outsider is also seen as more credible than self-made claims. All considered, word of mouth is one of your best marketing vehicles, but the only way you can control it is by ensuring your clients are no less than 100% happy. So use these four steps to create a successful post-sale follow-up strategy and build long-lasting client relationships!