General Update - 2nd February 2025

Written by
Rebekah Laby
General Update - 2nd February 2025

Rave General Update

-2nd February 2025-

We snuck in another pile of fantastic updates to the end of January so we had to do another blog to let you know all about them.

As usual we also include a link to these updates in our monthly newsletter, making it easy for you to stay informed and access the latest features and enhancements.

If you have unsubscribed to our monthly newsletter and you'd like to re-subscribe please let us know at

Lets get into the updates below:

  • Weekly Schedule Change Notification
  • User reassigned bulk email change
  • Ability to add date to timesheet billing/invoices
  • Adding Collapse/Expand options on Backcosting
  • Ability to add/manage tags on timesheets modal
  • Update Branch Timesheets Summary page to include to and from date picker

Weekly Schedule Change Notification option

We have now added the ability to choose a new type of Notification email option for schedule.

We still have our daily briefing email which goes out 7am every day to notify assignees of the changes made before hand.

However we now also have a new Once a week Notification option that goes out 7am every Friday morning rounding up all the changes made for the specific assignees.

You can choose this option at a branch level as a default for All projects or at a specific project level.

To read all about how these Notifications and our other two notification choices Click here to read our FAQ

User Reassigned bulk email changes

While the project schedule's ‘Replace Assignee’ action allows you to reallocate all of a project's tasks assigned to one task assignee to another -

the Bulk Replace Assignee allows those with branch owner access to swap out an assignee from all projects they are assigned tasks to, and complete a number of handy actions at the same time

We have now released an update to this feature sending out a bulk email notification to the users affected letting them know the projects and tasks they have been removed from and the projects and tasks they have been added to in one single email.

Click here to read all about this new update in our FAQ

Add the option to include timesheet dates to Timesheet Billing/Invoicing

When converting a timesheet entry into Bill/Invoice there is now an option to include the date of the entry on Individual itmes.

The new check box sits underneath the option to include timesheet notes.

When selected the Timesheet date will be added to the description on the Bill/Invoice

Click here to read all about this new update in our FAQ

Add Collapse/Expand Category options to Back costing Page for Categories and Supplier view

When viewing your project backcosting page there is now an Expand All/Collapse All button on the left hand side of the Supplier and Categories view pages.

There is also arrows to the left of each category/supplier name allowing you to collapse/expand single items

Click here to read all about this new update in our FAQ

Add ability to create/manage Timesheet Tags on Timesheets modal

We have added the ability to add a new timesheet tag or manage existing ones from within the timessheets modal.

With this permission on you can scroll to the bottom of the tags list and find the add and manage buttons

Click here to read all about this new update in our FAQ

Add To and From date picker to Branch Timesheets Summary page and update reporting types

The branch timesheets Summary page has two handy reports. An overview which shows all timesheet entries within the given date range And an individual user summary.

You can now customise the search timeframes by selecting custom in the Date Period box and choose any date ranges.

The reports have also been renamed to make it more clear that we have a total user summary and individual user summary on the same page both with varied information displayed.

Click here to read all about this new update in our FAQ

If you made it this far congratulations.

We will be back in a fortnight for the next round of updates.