General Update - 27th March 2025

Written by
Rebekah Laby
General Update - 27th March 2025

Welcome to Another Blog Update.

Our team have been incredibly busy this month developing new features and making improvements to existing ones.

We will be launching our brand new ALBUMS feature on Monday. This is currently in testing with some of our clients and the feedback so far has been outstanding.

We are also working away at the new CRM feature which is due for first release in May.

As usual we also include a link to these updates in our monthly newsletter, making it easy for you to stay informed and access the latest features and enhancements.

If you have unsubscribed from our monthly newsletter and you'd like to re-subscribe please let us know at

What's new this fortnight?

- RAVES New Albums Feature

- Enterprise Scheduling - Task List View - Task Change - Linked Task Reschedule Warning

- Ability to turn off task reminder notifications

- Add the task change information to the briefing email

- Branch Notification Changes to accounts, primary accounts and financial email

- Xero Notification Changes

- Estimate/Variation icon for Progress Payments

RAVES New Albums Feature

Welcome to Rave's brand-new Albums feature, which allows you to store, share, download, and reuse image and video files in Rave like never before!

With Rave Albums, you can easily select and export your project photos to PDF - to share with clients, copy to messages (email), project files, notes, scheduled tasks, checklists to do's, and your financial documents.

Note: This feature sits next to your project's files sub-tab. It does not replace your project files but enhances your ability to better manage and share your project and video files.

You can move whole albums or specific photos/videos within the same project or to a different project.

You can choose visibility for contractors and clients as well as manage yours and your teams permissions.

To read more about this feature click here (If you are interested in having Albums turned on please contact

This feature will keep having new additions added including adding images to Timesheet Entries which we are working on in April.

Enterprise Scheduling - Task List View - Task Change - Linked Task Reschedule Warning

If a task change is being made via the Task List view, a warning will now appear if the task change will affect (reschedule) a linked task as per the image below i.e. this task is linked to other tasks, and updating this task may cause the other linked tasks to be rescheduled.

To read more about this Feature check out the FAQ here

Ability to turn off task reminder notifications

Contractors now have the ability to turn on/off their own internal and email notifications depending on which branch they are assigned to.

If the option is not available to the Contractor it's because they don't have access to that feature.

If at a Branch level you have enabled these notifications and the Contractor does not want to receive them both via email and internal notification they can select either/both or no reminders to go out per Branch they belong to.

To Read more about Contractor Notification Control click here

Add the task change information to the briefing email

We have updated the task change notifications to be more specific when sending the Briefing emails.

We now show the task name change, duration change, assignee change, start and end date change on the emails we send out so assignees are aware of what the change was changed from and to.

An example of this is below. The contractor has been notified of 1 new task starting today and 4 of his other tasks have been changed.

To read our RAVE Schedule Task Change + Task Updated Notifications - 6 Point Check click here

User Notification Changes to accounts, primary accounts and financial email including XERO notification Control

We have updated the Branch and per User Notification Control settings to allow more choice.

We now allow control over which emails the Primary and Secondary accounts email recevie as well as the financial email.

This can be controlled by the user/s who have Branch Settings Permission turned on.

Those using Xero can now at both a Branch level AND user level turn on or off notifications for Xero

To read more about Branch Account Notification Control click here

To read more about User  Notification Control click here

Estimate/Variation icon for Progress Payments

When creating a Client Estimate and/or Variation on the estimate page you can choose to convert these into Progress Claim Lines.

We now show a $ icon beside the estimate/variation version so you can easily see that it's already been converted to a Progress Claim on the Progress Payment Page.

To Read more about Sending Variations from the Estimate to the Progress Payment Page read here.