Nail Your Sales in Four Steps with RaveBuild

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Nail Your Sales in Four Steps with RaveBuild


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Managing your customers well is equally as essential as managing projects, employees, and your business as a whole. Happy customers lead to a high-ranking reputation effectively creating healthy business growth through referrals and repeat business. While generating new clients is key in sales, you must not underestimate the importance of looking after your existing customers and supporting them throughout and after their build. Follow these four simple steps and nail your sales!#1 Know your customersJust like any relationship, it's not just about forming it, but also constantly nurturing and maintaining it. This is referred to as customer relationship management (CRM for short). To effectively manage your customer relationships you must first get to know your customers. What makes them tick? What makes them frustrated? What do they require of you? Once you know this, you can easily tailor your product or service to meet their needs, ultimately leading to greater customer satisfaction. But it all starts with getting to know them. Find a way to collect customer data and compile it where it's easily accessible so you can make well informed decisions, quickly. RAVE’s cloud-based system allows you to do just that - record customer information alongside your calendar and dashboard in one single destination that you can easily access on your device.#2 Carry customers through your sales pipelineLooking after your customers is not just about satisfying them now, but also generating sales leads for the future through repeat business and referrals. From the outset, looking after existing customers sounds like a fairly straightforward task, but the small administrative jobs really do add up and can become time consuming. Personal tasks, appointments, client follow-ups. You want to organise these small tasks into a streamlined forum that you and your clients can keep track of. RAVE lets you set up digital registration for your show homes so viewer details are automatically uploaded to the cloud as they’re entered. You can continually add notes to build their customer profile which then becomes a valuable yet convenient resource for securing sales and performing follow-ups during and post build. #3 Re-engage!Email marketing is a powerful way to derive extended value from existing customers. Did you know the effectiveness of good old fashioned email marketing is widely underestimated? According to reports, the average return on investment for every dollar spent on email marketing is $44 AND it generates 174% more conversions than social media - surprising huh?The truth is, email marketing is far from dead. In fact, it is gaining dominance as the most formidable marketing medium. Take advantage of it! It’s essentially a free platform of communication if you can generate an adequate email database, or already have one. If you don’t already have a database, develop one by obtaining email addresses directly from your customers as a way of contacting them. These will become valuable assets you can use to re-target them in the future! RAVE has a built-in email marketing system that you can upload your database to. You can segment it based on your customers’ stage within the sales funnel, and create automated, yet highly targeted emails. Sit back, relax, and let the system do the work for you. #4 Support clients throughout their buildAs you know well, an entire build involves many factors and stakeholders that affect progress, timing, budget spend, and overall results. Due to this changeable nature of residential construction, both a trusting relationship with the client and strong, consistent communication throughout the build are crucial. Keep your client in the loop so that they feel confident in what’s going on, feel in control of their project, and won’t be faced with any unwelcome surprises. With RAVE, you can provide customer access via a personalised portal with your company branding so they can log in on their device and see up-to-date progress photos, updates, and reports. As you can see RAVE can equip you will all the tools needed to nail your sales. If you need any help utilising these RAVE tools or want to speak to someone about how RAVE can help you and your sales team, feel free get in touch!E: +64 7 210 2228W: