'Detailed' Staff User Permission Changes

'Detailed' Staff User Permission Changes


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  1. Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl purus non tellus orci ac auctor.
  2. Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti.
  3. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar.
  4. Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti.


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Odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor.


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  • Eleifend felis tristique luctus et quam massa posuere viverra elit facilisis condimentum.
  • Magna nec augue velit leo curabitur sodales in feugiat pellentesque eget senectus.
  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti .

Dignissim adipiscing velit nam velit donec feugiat quis sociis. Fusce in vitae nibh lectus. Faucibus dictum ut in nec, convallis urna metus, gravida urna cum placerat non amet nam odio lacus mattis. Ultrices facilisis volutpat mi molestie at tempor etiam. Velit malesuada cursus a porttitor accumsan, sit scelerisque interdum tellus amet diam elementum, nunc consectetur diam aliquet ipsum ut lobortis cursus nisl lectus suspendisse ac facilisis feugiat leo pretium id rutrum urna auctor sit nunc turpis.

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'Detailed' Staff User Permission Changes

Rave has released the second part of our new Permissions Update - the groundbreaking ability for branches to set their staff user permissions, and reporting at a very detailed level.

  1. The first step in this process was to TEMPORARILY remove the 'Add User', and 'Edit User' permissions - to allow for the permissions feature development.  
  2. The second step is to allow those with branch owner permissions, to request their staff permission changes to Rave Customer Support - refer to the details 'how' below
  3. The third step, in a future update, is to reinstate the 'Add User' and 'Edit User' permissions - to allow those with branch owner permissions, to make their staff permission changes themselves!

Key Points with Today's Release

  • All current/existing branch user permissions should be unchanged, though:
    > Branch office admin or staff - with NO Finance permissions - will be changed to the new Project Admin user group > Branch office admin or staff + WITH Finance permissions - will be changed to the new Financial Admin user group
  • Any staff user permission changes - must be requested with the attached permission change form completed, and emailed to help@ravebuild.co.nz to be actioned.
  • Any add user, or suspend user changes - must still be emailed to help@ravebuild.co.nz to be actioned.
  • Those with Staff User edit permissions can still update their staff user profile details i.e. name, user login, and contact details.
  • Individuals can still edit their user profile details, and change their password.

Why the update?

We are working to provide those with Branch Staff User Edit permissions to have much more control over:

  • User permissions
  • User access to specific sub-tabs (including all Financial Management System sub-tabs) with 3 levels of access
    - No access (no view)
    - View only
    - View and edit
  • And access to specific reports

How to Request a Staff Member Permission Change

Those with Branch Owner Permissions can request a staff user permission change by:

  1. Emailing help@ravebuild.co.nz
  2. With a fully completed User Permissions Change Form (per staff member) - that is:
  • The top portion
    - Your business name
    - The users' first and last name
    - The users' login email username
    - Your name - the name of the person (with branch owner permissions) requesting the change
    - The users' user group - from the selection of 8 user group (role) options

  • Branch Report(s) ACCESS
    Tick any branch reports this user should be able to access i.e. do not tick a report that you do NOT want them to see
  • Finance Module ACCESS - If your branch has the FMS module
    - Tick any finance sub-tab(s) or report(s) (in bold) that this user should be able to access
      i.e. do not tick a sub-tab or report that you do NOT want them to see
    - For any given finance sub-tab(s) - tick whether the user should have:
    - View only access i.e. they can view the page, but not make any changes
    - Add/Edit/Delete access i.e. they can view and make changes on this page

  • Progress Payment ACCESS
    Tick the progress payment sub-tab level of access that this user should be able to access   - View only access i.e. they can view the page, but not make any changes
    - Add/Edit/Delete access i.e. they can view and make changes on this page
    - Request Progress Payment i.e. they can make payment requests
    - Progress Payment Report i.e. they can view the progress payment report
To download the form please click here for a link to the FAQ