Isaac Ludlow Series Part 8: The 3 essentials when it comes to your key people

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Isaac Ludlow Series Part 8: The 3 essentials when it comes to your key people


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If you are someone who wants to succeed in the area of business, then your environment - the key people around you, will have the biggest influence. To put it really simply, there are three top things you will need from your key people that will help you succeed in your business.


The key people that you have around you is completely your choice. You can choose at any time. It may take some work to make the choice, but it is your choice.

Here are the top three things you will need from your key people:
  • An outside set of eyes

This is someone you can talk to about the everyday issues in your business, who will help you find solutions from an outside perspective. This means you won’t get stuck on the same problems or procrastinate when you’re not sure what to do.

  • Someone to show you the strategies, tools and systems

This is someone who knows what it takes to run a successful business and will take the time to teach you the strategies, tools, and systems as well as show you how to use them. As a RaveBuild user, you have invested your time to learn how it works and how to get the most out of it. Now that you’ve done that, I’m sure you’re stoked that you have.

  • Someone to make sure you set goals and achieve them

This is someone who will make sure you know what action you need to take and will follow up to make sure you do it. The goals need to be based around the things you need to invest in to create the future business you desire, not just the day to day tasks of running your business.

Do you already have people like this in your life who provide you with these three essential things? If you do you’re very fortunate. If you don’t, then you’ll need to choose whether you’ll settle for business as it is, or lift your game and create the kind of business you do want.  

What level are you playing at? Are you an amateur or a professional?

Now you have a choice. Do you have the people in your life to give you the objective eyes, the business learning, and the accountability to move you forward already, or will you need to invest time, energy and maybe even money to get those kind of people around you?  

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Are you willing to take the steps to get the people around you that you want? In my construction business, over several years I spent over $50,000 on paying to spend time with the right people who gave me the objective eyes, business learning and accountability to achieve my goals. It seemed like a lot to invest at the time, but the increased income and the increased value of the business over time gave me a return of over four times the money I invested.

You know what, the increased income was one of the least important outcomes. Most importantly, it gave me more confidence, more time with the family and more opportunities to spend my time doing the things I enjoyed the most.

If you’re looking for more time, money, and freedom to do the things you love, take the steps required to get the right people in your life.

Isaac Ludlow

Business Coach
The World’s #1 Business Coaching Firm
Hamilton, New Zealand
Mobile: +64 27 548 3302

If you’d like to hear how Isaac achieved these kinds of results in his construction business or have him do a free assessment and plan with you, then get in touch using the details above and he’ll show you how.