General Update - 9th January 2025

Written by
Rebekah Laby
General Update - 9th January 2025

Rave General Update

-9th January 2025-

Welcome to our first update of 2025.

Our Development Team has been busy over the break recharging for a big 2025.

We have released a few new features and some feature upgrades this past week that we know you will love.

We also include a link to these updates in our monthly newsletter, making it easy for you to stay informed and access the latest features and enhancements.

If you have unsubscribed to our monthly newsletter and you'd like to re-subscribe please let us know at

In this update, we're detailing these awesome improvements and features:

New XERO Status Column on Purchase Orders, Bills and Invoice List Pages

We have just released a new update for Xero Clients. When your documents are sending to xero we now show a status column to the right hand side showing "In Xero" for successfully delivered documents and "Not in Xero" for documents that either failed to send to xero or have not yet been sent to Xero.

There is also a new filter allowing you to filter all documents "In Xero" or "Not in Xero"

The only Caveat with this BETA release is you need to REFRESH your page to show the status of documents just created and send as it does take a few seconds for the link between Rave and Xero to complete the transaction. Clicking away from the page and back in will also do the same thing.

As part of this work we have also changed how we send emails for failures. We will wait until Xero has retried to send the document before we send the email notifying you of the issue.

This is just part one of many new updates coming around Xero and our Financial pages.

Click here to read all about this new update in our FAQ

Creating a new Timesheets Shortcut along the top Rave Navigation 

You asked and we listened. You will now find a handy TIMESHEETS shortcut along the top navigation bar instead of under the profile settings.

To view My Timesheets and/or Branch Timesheets Click on the TIMESHEETS button and it will take you directly to those pages.

For clients who dont have timesheets advanced or dont see those options please contact and one of our team will help you out

To learn more about My Timesheets and Branch Timesheets features click here for our FAQS

Create Timesheets shortcut from within Budget tab 

We have also created a shortcut to The Project Timesheets menu from within the Budget/Financial part of Rave.

You will now see a new Tab Called Timesheets from within the Budget menu this should sit just to the left of Project Reporting.

If you dont see this tab from the Budget menu you do not have access to Timesheets so please contact and one of our team will help you out.

To Learn more about Timesheets Advanced please click here for our FAQs

BRAND new update to Preliminary Budget

We have just released the brand new Preliminary Budget update.

In this update you can now generate a preview, choose from 4 different client presentation styles with or without markup, Add a client scope, Choose to download and print or email the client directly from Rave, and add individual markup per category or just one markup for the entire job by bulk selecting the Categories adding the markup % and clicking apply. To remove the markup simply select again and type in 0% to show 0% or leave it blank.

To learn more about The Preliminary Budget Feature click here for our FAQ

Addition of "Build Type" to the Key Tasks report in Rave Reporting

We have added the option to filter by "Build Type" in the Key Tasks Report in Branch and Company reporting.

To Learn more about our Key Tasks Report and this update click here for our FAQ

Add Contractor company name to the Build Overview Gantt CSV Export

We have added the Contractors Company name to the Build Overview Gantt CSV Export.

It will now download with the persons name as well as their Company Name

To learn more about our build Overview Gantt reporting and exporting click here for our FAQ

That's all for this weeks update. Stay tuned for the next one in two weeks Time

The Rave Team